GNAPH Calls for Peace in Sudan

GNAPH Call for Peace in Sudan

The Global Network for Academic Public Health (GNAPH) has been closely monitoring the conflict in Sudan. We know that hundreds of people have already died and thousands have been injured in the capital, Khartoum. According to the Sudanese American Physicians Association, “Out of 78 major hospitals in the country, only 55 are operational…. The health care system is about to collapse.” The situation threatens the public health system,


CAPHIA Award Winner Spotlight: Teaching Innovation (Team) – University of Queensland

2022 Award Winner: University of Queensland
CAPHIA Award for Teaching Innovation (Team)

The CAPHIA Teaching Innovation Award recognises creative and unique methodologies that generate impacts from the perspective of significant stakeholders in public health, especially in developing and implementing innovations that impact teaching, learning and assessment or supporting student learning.

The award for Teaching Innovation (Team) was presented to the University of Queensland. The UQ team implemented a nested assessment structure as a framework to deepen reflexive insight and self-evaluation among students.


CAPHIA Award Winner Spotlight: CAPHIA Medal – Professor Dragan Ilic

2022 Award Winner: Professor Dragan Ilic

The CAPHIA medal represents our highest honor as a recognition of exemplary achievement in contributing to public health education in Australasia. The winner demonstrates an outstanding commitment to driving improvements, innovations, and capability building to advance public health education.

The 2022 CAPHIA Medal was presented to Professor Dragan Ilic in recognition of his outstanding achievements in public health education and research, including in forming collaborative partnerships throughout the academic public health sector.


Resources: 2022 Teaching and Learning Forum Keynotes & Plenary Panelists

Event: Global Public Health Week Day 5

As part of the discussion surrounding best practice in public health for Global Public Health Week, CAPHIA will present four interactive sessions featuring expert academics and practitioners from across Australasia. On Day 5 CAPHIA will release recordings from the 2022 Teaching and Learning Forum – “Public Health Education: Challenges, Opportunities and Solutions“.

On June 30th and July 1st 2022 Monash University Hosted the CAPHIA Teaching and Learning Forum.


Masterclass: The Climate Crisis and Health

Event: Global Public Health Week Day 2

As part of the discussion surrounding best practice in public health for Global Public Health Week, CAPHIA will present four interactive sessions featuring expert academics and practitioners from across Australasia. On Day 2, two experts will discuss health risks arising from the extreme environmental impacts associated with the climate crisis currently affecting the entire globe.

Recording and slides now available

Watch the recording

The climate crisis impacts health on the individual,


Preparing Public Health Professionals & Associations for New Challenges: An Australasian Perspective

Event: Global Public Health Week Day 1

As part of the discussion surrounding best practice in public health for Global Public Health Week, CAPHIA will present four interactive sessions featuring expert academics and practitioners from across Australasia. On Day 1, leaders in public health and health promotion will present an interactive panel with Q&A.

Recording now available

Watch now

This free panel discussion is co-hosted by the Council of Academic Public Health Institutions Australasia (CAPHIA) and the Australian Health Promotion Association (AHPA) featuring leaders from public health and health promotion associations across Australasia.


Masterclass: Co-Design for Health System Reform

Event: Global Public Health Week Day 3

As part of the discussion surrounding best practice in public health for Global Public Health Week, CAPHIA will present four interactive sessions featuring expert academics and practitioners from across Australasia. On Day 3, leading academics will explore co-design tools used to reform health systems.

Recording and slides now available

Watch now

Collaboration and co-design are at the heart of public health and are essential to enable health services,


Public Health Education for a Sustainable and Equitable Future: Workshop

Event: Global Public Health Week Day 4

Register Now:

This workshop will explore the role of public health education in creating a sustainable and equitable future throughout Australasia. CAPHIA’s Call to Action will be presented, which addresses the following questions:

  • What is the vision and role of public health education in a sustainable and equitable future?

CAPHIA Award Winner Spotlight: Teaching Excellence (Team) – University of Queensland

2022 Award Winner: University of Queensland
CAPHIA Award for Teaching Excellence (Team)

The CAPHIA Teaching Excellence Award recognises and rewards the contribution of CAPHIA members to quality teaching and learning and inspiring student learning in public health.

The Teaching Excellence Award was presented to the University of Queensland Bachelor of Health Sciences’ first-year Course Coordinator team, who led the co/redesign of a first year experience using a cross-disciplinary approach across the School of Public Health and the School of Biomedical Sciences.


Expression of Interest: Present at the World Congress for Public Health

Are you attending the World Congress for Public Health in Rome?
Do you have an innovative approach to public health education?
We would love to hear from you!
The Opportunity
1. Present as part of the Global Network for Academic Public Health

2. In-person networking with CAPHIA

3. Showcase your presentation
See Expression of Interest (EOI) below. Presentation sessions will be live-tweeted by CAPHIA.
Call for Expressions of Interest

As part of a series of sessions for the World Congress on Public Health,