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CAPHIA Teaching and Learning Forum 2024

Hosted by the University of Queensland September 26 - 27 in Meanjin (Brisbane) - face to face only

Teaching and Learning Forum 2024

CAPHIA and the School of Public Health of University of Queensland invite you to attend the 2024 Teaching and Learning Forum.

Forum Theme and Streams

Theme: Partnered Journeys

Contemporary public health challenges require collaborative solutions, and future-proofing the public health workforce means developing professionals and future leaders who can perform in the face of complexity and uncertainty.

This years’ focus on Partnership reflects our commitment, as a community of practice, to curiosity, open-mindedness and to making space for personal and cultural expression. Collaboration is at the heart of public health and core to CAPHIA’s mission. Public health educators have an important opportunity to model this, by establishing authentic partnerships that value diverse knowledge and perspectives. The focus on Journeys recognises that public health expertise is a lifelong process to benefit the communities we serve.

The 2024 theme reflects our shared vision to prepare a bold and adaptive workforce, through partnerships with industry and students, to lead public health action for a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

Streams: Students | Community | Workforce

Via our three forum streams – Students, Community and Workforce – we aim to center these perspectives and invite participants to:

  • Think differently about the role of students in teaching and learning.
  • Centre community by establishing reciprocal, authentic partnerships which value local, Indigenous and other knowledges and perspectives.
  • Strengthen workforce capability, foster employability, entrepreneurship, and industry partnership.

The 2024 Forum Program is set to be the best yet! Building upon the successes and feedback from the last few years, the 2024 Forum Program has been shaped to encourage participants to both learn from experts and peers, share their knowledge with others, and to take home and apply practical insights. Participants are encouraged to explore the work being done across our community of practice, learn from experience and build and strengthen professional networks.

Event Details:

Date: Thursday 26 September and Friday 27 September 2024

Theme and Streams: Partnered Journeys: Students | Community | Workforce

Format: In Person only.

Location: Saint Lucia Campus, Meanjin (Brisbane), University of Queensland. Events will be held in the award-winning Global Change Institute Building and the adjoining Steele Building shared by a spectacular atrium. Take the virtual tour here

Forum Scientific Committee Members

  • Professor Lisa Hall – University of Queensland (Co-Chair)
  • Associate Professor Sheleigh Lawler – University of Queensland (Co-Chair)
  • Dr Daniel Demant – University of Technology Sydney
  • Dr Zahra Aziz – Monash University 
  • Dr Davoud Pourmarzi – Australian National University
  • Dr Sabrina Gupta – La Trobe University 
  • Dr Meredith Tavener – University of Newcastle
  • Dr Paul Gardiner – University of Queensland
  • Rebecca Johnson – University of Queensland
  • Holly Donaldson – CAPHIA 
  • Casey Yates – CAPHIA