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Abstract outcomes to be communicated from the week of June 24th 2024

Abstract Information

Oral Presentation

10 minutes (7 minutes presentation + 3 minutes q&a)

Oral Presentations are didactic sessions designed to share public health education innovations and scholarship-informed practice with the CAPHIA community. 

Presenters are expected to provide:

  • Background and context
  • Aim and purpose of the project or initiative
  • Methodology and/or innovation
  • Discussion points: the key implications and insights gleaned 
  • Lessons learned and key take-home messages.

Oral Presentation Abstracts will be selected on the basis of the assessment rubric:

  1. Alignment to the Forum theme and streams
  2. Novelty, creativity and innovation 
  3. Clarity and quality of the submission
  4. Relevance and transferability of the presentation to the wider community of practice

Solution Room

40 minutes (5-10 minutes presentation, 30-35 minutes exploration)

Solution rooms are interactive sessions designed to generate collaborative discussion and build professional networks. Your Solution Room topic should facilitate exploration of a relevant public health education challenge with practical and transferable solutions, allowing participants to learn from your experience and consider its application to their own context.

As a Solution Room presenter you are expected to:

  • Present your problem and solution (5-10 mins)
    • Briefly describe a real-world public health education challenge you have faced and its relevance to the community of practice.
    • Demonstrate what you did to address this challenge, and how you arrived at your solution.
  • Facilitate, respectful, reciprocal and inclusive discussion (30-35 mins)
    • Deliver a practical activity which will help equip others to translate and apply your solution to their own practice
    • Outline key learning outcomes and a clear take-away message

Solution Room Abstracts will be selected on the basis of the assessment rubric:

  1. Alignment to the Forum theme and streams
  2. Quality, novelty and innovation of the solution (SoTL)
  3. Relevance and transferability of the solution to the wider community of practice
  4. Clarity and quality of the teaching activities and relevance to the solution.

Tips for successful Solution Room Abstracts

  • Provide a clear description of how your problem or solution align with the Forum theme and your chosen stream (Students, Community, Workforce).
  • Provide a clear and compelling lesson plan with a focus on practical learning. A template is provided here


Submissions open: Friday April 5th, 2024

Submissions close: Friday May 24th, 2024

Format: Abstracts must be submitted via the relevant form. Emailed abstracts will not be accepted.

All presenting authors of shortlisted abstracts MUST register for the Forum by June 30th, 2024. Abstracts without registered presenters will be removed from the Program.