Member Institution Spotlight: Fiji National University

Member Institution Spotlight: Fiji National University
College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences
School of Public Health & Primary Health Care

Author: Ms Makereta Leweniqila, FNU Bachelor of Public Health Student and CAPHIA Intern 2024

The School of Public Health & Primary Health Care is under the College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences of Fiji National University. It is situated along Princes Road in Tamavua, and it offers 5 major disciplines of Public Health which includes Health Promotion,


EOI | Join the Biostatistics Educational Excellence in Public Health (BEEPH) Network

Call for Expressions of Interest to join the Biostatistics Educational Excellence in Public Health (BEEPH) Network
Message from the co-chairs Dr Erin Cvejic and Ms Katrina Blazek

We have recently launched the Biostatistics Educational Excellence in Public Health (BEEPH) Network as a CAPHIA network, and are seeking expressions of interest to join from individuals involved in teaching Biostatistics in a public health context at CAPHIA member institutions. We hope that this network will provide a forum for educators to share ideas,


WHO releases Global Competency Outcomes Framework for the Essential Public Health Functions

WHO released global competency and outcomes framework for the essential public health functions

The final publication of the World Health Organization Global Competency and Outcomes Framework for the Essential Public Health Functions has been officially released. The full text can be downloaded here:

The was published as part of the National Workforce Capacity for Essential Public Health Functions Collection, which includes an operational handbook and guidance on functions,


Needs Assessment: Teaching Training Program

Invitation | Teacher Training Program Needs Assessment

The Council of Academic Public Health Institutions Australia is developing a Teacher Training Program for Public Health Educators.
We will be personalising the program to best meet your needs. Please complete the Needs Assessment to help guide our work.

Academics from CAPHIA member institutions are invited to complete short survey to tell us how we can best support you with your teaching.


CAPHIA Award Winner Spotlight: Early Career Academic – Dr Rimante Ronto

2022 Award Winner: Dr Rimante Ronto
Teaching Excellence – Early Career Academic

The CAPHIA Teaching Excellence Awards recognises and rewards the contribution of CAPHIA members to quality teaching and learning and inspiring student learning in public health.

The 2022 Teaching Excellence Award – Early Career Academic was presented to Dr Rimante Ronto in recognition of her impact to public health education. 

An in-depth understanding of the multifaceted nature of learning is demonstrated by Dr Rimante Ronto,


CAPHIA Award Winner Spotlight: Teaching Innovation (Team) – University of Queensland

2022 Award Winner: University of Queensland
CAPHIA Award for Teaching Innovation (Team)

The CAPHIA Teaching Innovation Award recognises creative and unique methodologies that generate impacts from the perspective of significant stakeholders in public health, especially in developing and implementing innovations that impact teaching, learning and assessment or supporting student learning.

The award for Teaching Innovation (Team) was presented to the University of Queensland. The UQ team implemented a nested assessment structure as a framework to deepen reflexive insight and self-evaluation among students.


CAPHIA Award Winner Spotlight: CAPHIA Medal – Professor Dragan Ilic

2022 Award Winner: Professor Dragan Ilic

The CAPHIA medal represents our highest honor as a recognition of exemplary achievement in contributing to public health education in Australasia. The winner demonstrates an outstanding commitment to driving improvements, innovations, and capability building to advance public health education.

The 2022 CAPHIA Medal was presented to Professor Dragan Ilic in recognition of his outstanding achievements in public health education and research, including in forming collaborative partnerships throughout the academic public health sector.


CAPHIA Award Winner Spotlight: Teaching Excellence (Team) – University of Queensland

2022 Award Winner: University of Queensland
CAPHIA Award for Teaching Excellence (Team)

The CAPHIA Teaching Excellence Award recognises and rewards the contribution of CAPHIA members to quality teaching and learning and inspiring student learning in public health.

The Teaching Excellence Award was presented to the University of Queensland Bachelor of Health Sciences’ first-year Course Coordinator team, who led the co/redesign of a first year experience using a cross-disciplinary approach across the School of Public Health and the School of Biomedical Sciences.


Expression of Interest: Present at the World Congress for Public Health

Are you attending the World Congress for Public Health in Rome?
Do you have an innovative approach to public health education?
We would love to hear from you!
The Opportunity
1. Present as part of the Global Network for Academic Public Health

2. In-person networking with CAPHIA

3. Showcase your presentation
See Expression of Interest (EOI) below. Presentation sessions will be live-tweeted by CAPHIA.
Call for Expressions of Interest

As part of a series of sessions for the World Congress on Public Health,


Public Health Course Directory now available

Where can I study public health?

The COVID-19 pandemic revealed gaps in “the size, training, structure and credentialing of the public health workforce”. It is essential that the Public Health workforce is skilled and qualified to perform current and future roles needed to protect the health of Australasian populations and communities.

CAPHIA advocated for further investment in the public health workforce pipeline via:

    1. Dedicated Australian Commonwealth Support Placements and additional funded placements across Australasia;