CAPHIA Networks - A new offering to learn and connect with the CAPHIA community

We are pleased to announce a new offering – CAPHIA Networks to foster collaboration and expertise in specific areas of academic public health. CAPHIA Networks are informal, academic-led groups to drive professional development and best practice in an area of interest. 

How to Propose a CAPHIA Network

A short guideline on how to create and manage CAPHIA networks effectively: Proposal Have a Network idea in mind?

Prepare a one-page proposal for consideration by the Board which outlines:

Purpose and contribution:

Define the specific focus and objectives of the network.

  • What unique contribution will it make to the field of academic public health?
  • How will this progress CAPHIA’s mission to advance public health education, research and workforce development?
  • How the network will contribute to CAPHIA initiatives such as the Teaching and Learning Forum, Advocacy in Action, professional development program etc.

Structure and leadership:

Proposed frequency and format of meetings (e.g., in-person, virtual, or a combination, e.g. at the Forum) and who the initial chair or co-chairs will be.


What is the plan for the network’s continuity over time, including leadership transitions?


How the network will share insights, findings, and recommendations with the CAPHIA community.

Please send these to: . Thank you for your enthusiasm to advance public health education, research and workforce development.


Tips for successful Networks:

  • Establish Leadership: Appoint a chair or co-chairs who are knowledgeable in the network’s subject matter and can provide direction and organization.
  • Develop a Clear Structure: Set a clear agenda for each meeting to keep discussions focused and productive.
  • Engage in Knowledge Sharing: Agree how members will share resources, research findings, and best practices. Encourage open discussions and debates to facilitate learning and collaboration.
  • Communication and Outreach: Develop a communication plan to keep members informed about network activities and updates. Promote the network within CAPHIA and to external stakeholders to attract new members by contacting
  • Collaborate with CAPHIA: Ensure your network’s goals align with CAPHIA’s mission and strategic priorities. Identify activities which can contribute to CAPHIA’s program of work and identify collaboration opportunities with other CAPHIA committees, groups, or networks when relevant.
  • Foster Innovation and Inclusivity: Create a welcoming and inclusive environment where diverse perspectives are valued. Encourage creativity and innovative thinking within the network. Explore opportunities for research, projects, or initiatives that can contribute to academic public health.
  • Share Outcomes: Keep records of meetings, activities, and achievements to share with the CAPHIA community of practice. The CAPHIA Board of Directors welcomes proposal for CAPHIA Networks. To propose a new CAPHIA Network please prepare a one-page document, addressing the 4 aspects outlined above.