EOI | 2 x reps to attend Public Health Diplomacy Workshop in Memphis TN USA

Call for Expressions of Interest: Public Health Diplomacy Lab in Memphis, USA

We are pleased to call for expressions of interest (EOIs) for 2 x CAPHIA representatives to participate in a 3-day workshop with the goal of identifying competencies and curricular resources on public health diplomacy. **Travel funds paid**

The University of Memphis, School of Public Health is launching a Public Health Diplomacy Lab —the first of its kind in the country—as it joins an international alliance of institutions dedicated to protecting human rights,


ECA Blog | Failures – I’ve had a few

Failures, I’ve had a few
Senior Academic Perspective
ECA Blog: July 2024
Professor Richard Franklin
Disipline of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, James Cook University

It is not easy to write about your failures, let alone make them public. However, I believe that for every failure I have had (and there have been a few), I have learnt and grown, both as a person and an academic.


Meet our new Public Officer: Professor Brenton Prosser

CAPHIA’s new Public Officer: Professor Brenton Prosser

We are pleased to announce CAPHIA’s new Public Officer, Professor Brenton Prosser. 

Brenton Prosser is Professor of Public Policy and Leadership at University of New South Wales Canberra, and Director of the UNSW Public Partnerships and Impact Hub. His research interests include governance, minority government, public policy, trust, mental and public health. He specialises in research into Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, while he has worked in led several large-scale national evaluations in health and aged care from private and university sectors.


ECA Blog | Empowering Students: Tailoring Course Content Through Active Engagement

Empowering Students: Tailoring Course Content Through Active Engagement
ECA Blog: June 2024
Dr Mikaela Wheeler, Early Career Academic Committee
Lecturer, School of Public Health, The University of Queensland

As I sat at my desk planning for the semester ahead, I wondered: what skills did my students want to learn this semester? What motivated them? And how could I connect the two to deliver a fun, meaningful, and impactful semester?


WHO releases Global Competency Outcomes Framework for the Essential Public Health Functions

WHO released global competency and outcomes framework for the essential public health functions

The final publication of the World Health Organization Global Competency and Outcomes Framework for the Essential Public Health Functions has been officially released. The full text can be downloaded here: https://www.who.int/publications/m/item/phwf_roadmap_education

The was published as part of the National Workforce Capacity for Essential Public Health Functions Collection, which includes an operational handbook and guidance on functions,


Needs Assessment: Teaching Training Program

Invitation | Teacher Training Program Needs Assessment

The Council of Academic Public Health Institutions Australia is developing a Teacher Training Program for Public Health Educators.
We will be personalising the program to best meet your needs. Please complete the Needs Assessment to help guide our work.

Academics from CAPHIA member institutions are invited to complete short survey to tell us how we can best support you with your teaching.


ECA Blog | Learning how to be a good PhD candidate!

Learning how to be a good PhD candidate!
ECA Blog, Senior Academic Perspective: May 2024
Anonymous Senior Academic
School of Psychology and Public Health

As experts in our chosen field, often we are doing a PhD because we are experts in our chosen field. This is particularly so if we are mature-aged with years of work experience – not academic experience. That was me. The first thing I had to learn was that doing a PhD is a whole different world to the one in which I work,


ECA Blog | Move Forward To Find Opportunities To Have An Impact

Move Forward To Find Opportunities To Have An Impact
ECA Blog: May 2024
Helen Scudamore, Early Career Academic Committee Secretary

I tossed up between doing a GOAT (Greatest of All Time) experience or a failure. The tendency is to want to talk about what went well in the past and accomplishments, but for a little bit of fun let’s consider a “failure”.

One that jumps out in my mind is when I was not successful in renewing a contract.


ECA Blog | Navigating Teaching Cultures: Theory vs. Practice in India and Australia

Navigating Teaching Cultures: Theory vs. Practice in India and Australia
ECA Blog: April 2024
Dr Tanmay Bagade, Early Career Academic Committee member

Reflecting on my journey from being a medical graduate in India to a teaching-intensive faculty member at a university in Australia, I am struck by the contrasting differences in educational approaches between these two countries. I feel that the teaching philosophies are entirely different and deeply rooted in the academic cultures of both countries.


ECA Blog | My GOAT networking experience and what I learnt

My GOAT networking experience and what I learnt: Take that chance, immerse yourself in the experience, and pay it forward.
ECA Blog, Senior Academic Perspective: April 2024
Associate Professor Helen Keen-Dyer

Disaster Management and Health, School of Health, Medical and Applied Sciences, CQUniversity Australia, Senior Fellow, Higher Education Academy

In an earlier blog post, Associate Professor Megan Teychenne reflected on the importance of surrounding yourself with GOOD people, and I wholeheartedly echo that sentiment.