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About the Forum

The 2024 Forum provides important opportunities for in-person learning, networking and collaboration for academics, students and practitioners across the spectrum of public health.

CAPHIA represent thousands of public health educators, researchers, practitioners and students across Australasia. Our annual Teaching and Learning Forum is our flagship event, providing opportunities for our community of practice to come together to create education which equips the public health workforce with the skills and knowledge required to improve the public’s health, and tackle current and future challenges.

This in-person only event is shaped to allow participants to both learn from experts and peers, share their knowledge with others, and to take home and apply practical insights. With a variety of presentation types, interactive workshops and discussions, participants can:

  • Explore the work being done across our community of practice;
  • Collaborate to solve real-world problems;
  • Learn from experience and share solutions; and
  • Strengthen professional network and partnerships.

Draft Program at a Glance

Building on the success of previous year’s, the 2024 CAPHIA Teaching and Learning Forum Program is crafted to encourage participants to both learn from experts and peers, share their knowledge with others, and to take home and apply practical insights. Participants are encouraged to explore the work being done across our community of practice, learn from experience and build and strengthen professional networks.

2024 Session Types 

  • Keynote Speakers
  • An Expert Panel
  • Oral Presentations 
  • Solution Rooms 
  • Hackathon/Student Presentations
  • CAPHIA Network Meetings
  • A Breakfast Workshop
  • 2024 CAPHIA Awards Ceremony

The final structure and content of the two-day forum will be informed by the abstracts and subject to change. However, a draft Program at a Glance is provided below to inform delegate planning.