WHO Global Competency and Outcomes Framework – Peer Reviewer Selection

We would like to extend our warmest congratulations to the following CAPHIA representatives who have been chosen to join the team to review the WHO Global Competency and Outcomes Framework for the Public Health and Emergencies Workforce:

Principal Peer Reviewer

  • Dr Linda Murray (Massey University)

SME Peer Reviewer

  • Dr Jonathan Hallett (Curtin University)
  • Adjunct Associate Professor Lois Myer (University of New South Wales)
  • Dr Helen Keen Dyer (Central Queensland University)

Their depth and breadth of expertise,


Final Position Statement: Educating the Public Health Workforce

Available Now

The Position Statement: Educating the Public Health Workforce was developed to formalise the guiding principles underlying the work of the Advocacy in Action Consultation Group and subgroups. The document was developed through an in-depth collaborative process and integrates ideas and discussion points from public health academics across member institutions, including Heads of School, CAPHIA representatives, governance groups and members. Following a call for review by Heads of School and CAPHIA representatives, the draft Position Statement was revised and presented to the Board for the final stage of review,


Final Written Submission in Response to Role and Functions of an Australian CDC

Available Now

On 9 December, CAPHIA submitted the final written response to the Australian Government discussion paper, Role and Functions of an Australian Centre for Disease Control. The submission focused on our core expertise of academic public health with recommendations centring on the development of a world class workforce, facilitating rapid response to health threats and supporting leadership on preventive health.

The final submission integrates feedback from the Advocacy in Action Consultation Group with discussion points,


Australian CDC Written Submission Rapid Member Consultation

Member institutions are invited to provide feedback on CAPHIA’s response to “Role and Functions of an Australian Centre for Disease Control”

The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care is establishing an Australian Centre for Disease Control (CDC) to improve Australia’s ongoing response to current and emerging public health emergencies. Role and Functions of an Australian Centre for Disease Control is a discussion paper with a purpose to guide development of the purpose,


Position Statement: Educating the Public Health Workforce

The Advocacy in Action Consultation Group have developed a Draft Position Statement: Educating the Public Health Workforce. The principles and statement articulate:

  1. The scope of public health and the diversity of public health professionals
  2. CAPHIA’s role in public health education across Australasia
  3. Considerations when developing public health education
  4. The connection between education and the public health workforce
  5. The reasoning for high quality,

WHO Public Health Workforce Roadmap: opportunities to get involved

WHO Public Health Workforce Roadmap and Action Plan

The WHO Steering Group guiding the Roadmap and Action Plan are inviting public health experts and public health academics from CAPHIA member institutions achieve its targets. Workstream 2 of the WHO collaborative involves development of a Competency and Outcomes Framework for education and training. The scope of the framework recommended by the October Steering Committee meeting includes health promotion, surveillance, programme planning and evaluation, emergencies, epidemiology, data and leadership.


WHO National Public Health Workforce Capacity Roadmap

Public Health Workforce Capacity Roadmap and Action Plan

In early 2022 the World Health Organization (WHO) released the publication, “National workforce capacity to implement the essential public health functions including a focus on emergency preparedness and response: Roadmap for aligning WHO and partner contributions” [1]. This workforce roadmap builds upon a number of declarations and resolutions2 as well as joint efforts of leading public health and emergency response experts,