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On 9 December, CAPHIA submitted the final written response to the Australian Government discussion paper, Role and Functions of an Australian Centre for Disease Control. The submission focused on our core expertise of academic public health with recommendations centring on the development of a world class workforce, facilitating rapid response to health threats and supporting leadership on preventive health.
The final submission integrates feedback from the Advocacy in Action Consultation Group with discussion points, recommendations and requests from Heads of School and representatives from member institutions. The review process culminated in a report that is tightly focused on questions targeted toward highlighting key connections between public health education and the workforce. In-depth discussion of collaborative mechanisms for facilitating links between public health education across sectors is presented, with reference to practical considerations surrounding the role of the CDC as a leading government body within national public health practice.
Summary of Recommendations

We extend our deepest thanks to all Heads of School, CAPHIA representatives, members of the consultation group and subgroups, and institutional members for their invaluable feedback and support in the preparation of this document.