Change of Office Bearers

As part of the adoption of the Constitution in May 2022, a change in office bearers was called for in the meeting of the Board of Directors of 8 December 2022. The new governance structure required the four members of the initial Board to retire, with three elected directors to be subsequently appointed. The remaining elected directors will retire for the 2023 Annual General Meeting.

Nominations for the roles of Chair and Deputy Chair were taken in the Board meeting. While board directors are eligible to renominate, outgoing Chair, Professor Gregory Kolt, and outgoing Deputy Chair, A/Prof Basia Diug, both stated that they would not be nominating for office bearer roles.

Election Results

Professor Ivers Elected Chair
Dr Saunders Elected Deputy Chair

N.B. CAPHIA Treasurer

The role of Treasurer is not currently a prescribed office bearer role in the CAPHIA Constitution. A/Prof Katherine Baldock is currently serving as Treasurer, and the Board discussed the ongoing need for this role. Considerations in support of a dedicated Treasurer role included the high volume of work required in this position, including the developing of the CAPHIA budget and expense approvals. The equal financial responsibility of the Board of Directors in accordance with the Constitution was also noted, however.

No final determination as to whether the role of Treasurer would be maintained was made at the Board meeting. It was decided, however, that additional options going forward would be evaluated, such as a role of Finance Director, with a potential formation of a Finance and Risk Subcommittee or Finance and Audit Subcommittee.

Until a final decision regarding a treasurer or financial officer is made, A/Prof Baldock will remain in the role of Treasurer of CAPHIA.

On behalf of CAPHIA and the Board of Directors, we wish to congratulate incoming Chair and Deputy Chair, Professor Ivers and Dr Saunders. We also extend deepest thanks to outgoing Chair, Professor Gregory Kolt, and outgoing Deputy Chair, A/Prof Basia Diug, for their leadership and outstanding service.