Join a CAPHIA Network
CAPHIA Networks are informal, academic-led groups to drive professional development and best practice in an area of interest. CAPHIA Networks to foster collaboration and expertise in specific areas of academic public health.
Network membership is FREE and open to academics of CAPHIA member institutions. Some Networks are also open to current students – please check the details below.
CAPHIA Networks
Artificial Intelligence in Public Health Network (AIIPHN)
- AIIPHN Provides a collaborative space for knowledge sharing and innovative discussions on AI’s role in shaping the future of public health education.
- Co-chairs: Dr Cherie Lucas and Associate Professor Anita Heywood
- First meeting open to students
- Express your interest in joining
Biostatistics Educational Excellence in Public Health (BEEPH) Network
- The BEEPH network provides an opportunity for members to share ideas and innovations to achieve excellence in biostatistics teaching specifically within public health, with the goal of understanding and adequately equipping the current and future public health workforce with contemporary quantitative literacy and skills.
- Co-Chairs: Associate Professor Erin Cvejic and Katrina Blazek
- Express your interest in joining.
Climate and Public Health Education Network
- The CPHEN is designed to drive professional development and advocacy in climate and public health education. Network members will have the opportunity to contribute the development of CAPHIA competencies in climate and health education, contribute to curricula resources and inform advocacy submissions and government consultations.
- Co-Chairs: Associate Professor Aditya Vyas and Associate Professor Rebecca Patrick.
- Open to academics and students.
- Express your interest in joining.
Design Thinking in Public Health Education Network
- Open to academics harnessing Human Centered Design Thinking (HCDT), the Network is designed to upskill public health teachers in HCDT and contributes to CAPHIA’s Public Health Hackathons.
- Chaired by Dr Vivian Romero
- Email to join
Teaching Epidemiology Joint Network (CAPHIA & AEA)
- This Network is a joint initiative of the Australasian Epidemiology Association and CAPHIA. The Aim of the Teaching Epidemiology Joint Network is to improve the quality of teaching epidemiology in university settings.
- Co-Chairs: Professor Lisa Hall, Associate Professor Linda Murray and Dr Davoud Pourmarzi
- Express your interest in joining
Qualitative Methodologies and Methods Network (QMMN)
- QMMN explores the wonderful world of qual in public health research, provides research opportunities and professional development events.
- Co-Chairs: Eunice Okyere and Dr Meredith Tavener
- Open to academics and students
- Email to express your interest in joining
Looking for something else?
Propose a new CAPHIA Network with our guideline.